1. How can I contact you?

You can contact us by sending an email to niteniteusa@gmail.com. We strive to respond to all inquiries within 24 hours.

2. Where are your products shipped from?

Our products are shipped from various locations depending on the supplier. We work with trusted suppliers from around the world to ensure the highest quality and fastest delivery times.

3. What is your refund policy?

We have a 30-day refund policy. If you are not satisfied with your purchase, you can request a refund within 30 days of receiving your item. Please refer to our refund policy for more details.

4. How long does shipping take?

Shipping times vary depending on the product and the destination. Generally, you can expect your order to arrive within 7-21 business days. Please note that due to current global circumstances, there may be some delays beyond our control.

5. Do you offer free shipping?

Yes, we offer free shipping on all orders. There are no additional charges for shipping.

6. Can I track my order?

Yes, once your order is shipped, we will provide you with a tracking number. You can use this tracking number to track the progress of your shipment.

7. Do you offer international shipping?

Yes, we offer international shipping to most countries. However, please note that there may be some restrictions and additional customs fees or duties imposed by your country's customs authorities. It is the buyer's responsibility to be aware of and pay any applicable fees.

8. What payment methods do you accept?

We accept all major credit cards, including Visa, Mastercard, American Express, and Discover. We also accept payment through PayPal for added convenience.

9. Can I cancel or change my order?

Once an order is placed, it is processed and shipped as quickly as possible. Therefore, we cannot guarantee that changes or cancellations can be made. However, if you need to make any changes, please contact us immediately, and we will do our best to assist you.

10. Are your products eco-friendly?

We strive to offer products that are environmentally friendly and sustainable whenever possible. While not all of our products may be labeled as eco-friendly, we are committed to continuously improving our product selection to align with our values.